IVOMEC-Plus is a very good injectable cattle wormer that we have used off label purusant to the direction of our veterinarian for 15 or more years.
Despite the fact the package is clearly marked INJECTION on at least seven locations on the outside of the box and a few more on the package insert, there are still those who insist on oral application.
I have never understood the fascination with oral application when the manufacturer has gone to such great lengths to instruct the user otherwise.
With oral application, the product passes quickly through the digestive system and is excreted with minimal affect on the goat's parasite load.
When injected, as it is meant to be used, it gets in the blood stream where it stays in the system and works to defeat heamonchus worms, liver flukes, lung worms, and meningeal worms, etc.
Another Tip
With few exceptions, internal parasites reproduce every 14 days & one worming only gets adults. Fourteen days later the larvae have turned into adults and you are right backwhere you started and believing that the parasites have become immune to your wormer. If you worm every 11 to 14 days for three consecutive wormings you will continue to get the new hatch and your goats' worm load will be at a manageable level for several months. About 2 weeks after the 3rd. worming you should do a random fecal just to be sure.
Another Tip
We use the manufacturer's recommended dosage as well as their recommended method of administration. We give all shots S.Q.
We do not observe any milk withholding time after worming our milking herd
We worm the milkers prior to breeding with the same 3-time sequence and do not worm bred does. We then worm bred does about a week before kidding.