Sue mixes and uses it in a generic 36-ounce plastic spray pump
container. The mixture is 1/2 cup of white vinegar, 1/4 cup of
Avon Skin-So-Soft and the rest is Farnam's Repel-Xp Emulsifiable Fly
Spray which contains Pyrethrins 0.40% which is about as non chemical
as you can get and still be fly spray. The Repel-Xp is mixed at 7
parts water to one part repellant before mixing it with the white
vinegar and Avon.
This mixture sticks to the goat like glue, keeps the flies away
and smells good. I drench my goats with it just before going into
the show ring each time.
Another feature that I like about this fly spray mixture is
that it is much less harsh than most of the commercial fly sprays
that can cause skin irritation on closely clipped show goats. And it is
a lot less expensive.
At a couple of shows one summer (2003) I noticed the judges sniffing
their hands after examining my goats in the line. At one show a
fellow exhibitor asked me what kind of perfume I used on my goats
after helping me with one of the group classes. I thought I would
share the information with you again now that the show season is in full swing.
It is a pretty mild fly spray as fly sprays go.
I "drench" them with it just before going into the show ring.
I'm not sure that drench is the correct word but we have used it pretty
heavy over the years on animals that have been recently clipped and bathed
with no ill affects. I put the pump sprayer on the "mist" mode and get
it as close to the goat as is necessary to cover the entire animal except
their eyes and ears. I get up close and put it on the udder and lots of it
on their lower legs where the flies bite the worst. It is important for a
doe to stand still so the judge can see what she looks like. Standing
still in the ring becomes crucial if it is a competitive class and the judge
is having difficulty deciding between first and second place.
Sometimes I get it on so thick that we take a Turkish towel and wipe off the
excess to keep the ring dust from settling on the goat. I think you can
apply it as often as is needed depending on the presence of flies. Sue may
have some different comments or opinions since she is the one who invented it.
Good luck with the continuing show season