Combination Loafer Barn & Hay Barn
looking northwest - January 15th., 2014
Hay Feeders Sheltered by Awning
Combination Doe Loafer Barn & Hay Barn
Building 60x30 feet with 22x60 foot Awning
along the south side
Looking East - January 15th., 2014

Hay Feeders resting on 6 inche sof man sand under awning - south side of combinaton & Hay & Loafing barn. Camera lookng west.

East side of loafer barn showing man sand sidewalk for milkers to the Parlor in the background.

Milkers peeking out of the loafer barn

Loafing barn showing man sand sidewalk for the does from the loafer barn to the parlor - on the right in the background - out of camer range.

Kid barn 36x14 feet with 6 foot awning covering feeders, seperated into 4 stalls with 65-foot cattle panel runs extentng south for kids to get exercise.

Garage & Machine shed 30x30
Houses tractor W/bush hog, tractor & loader, riding lawn mowers, log splitter & truck
Buck Barn - 24x12 feet